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Nutritional Balancing / Development - What it Does

  • Nutritional Support by remineralization of the entire body

  • Balancing of the Oxidation Rate

  • Heal the digestive and eliminative system

  • Restoring energy levels / Adrenal Fatigue and burnout

  • Restore the enzyme systems 

  • Safe detoxification of all toxic metals and hundreds of toxic chemicals

  • Balance the hormones naturally - without using hormones of any kind.

  • Destroy parasitic organisms

  • Attain high levels of health related to mental and spiritual development

Other Advantages:

Restoring Cardiovascular function / Arthritis / Diabetes / Allergies / Candida overgrowth (Yeast), Migraines, Balancing of Hormones / Endocrine / Auto Immune / Sexual and Reproductive / Renal or Kidney disorders, Trauma release / Musculoskeletal problems / Dental problems / Poor Memory / Alzheimer's and Dementia, Brain fog / Nervous System / Infections / Anemia / Mental emotional and behavioral / MTHFR defects / Restoration of the delicate Copper/Zinc balance / Critical Balancing of the sodium/potassium ratio / Critical Balancing of the Calcium/Magnesium ratio / excellent Prenatal care, and more.....



Hair analysis and development program design including a one hour + phone consultation + follow up support by email (and phone if necessary).  200.- 


All programs are set up and monitored by Dr Lawrence Wilson.  He will review everyone's chart and give his interpretation along with recommending a supplement program. If needed, he will check you in-between tests if necessary (free of charge), to make sure that your program remains correct as you progress.

Retests every 4-6 months depending on your needs:  145.-

Supplements average 130.- every 1.5 months with the added 20% discount on this website. Supplements can be taken twice or even once per day (instead of three) to reduce cost and works very well, although the program may take a bit longer. some of our sensitive clients actually prefer to go at a slower pace.


Call us today.  917-721-3164  

A Development Program is excellent for children, rate is the same for a child but we do give family discounts. 


Animal mineral tests are currently 95.- (check with us to see which animals).


Mineral balancing for the soil can also be done. :-)

Endo-met is a subdivision of ARL Research Labs.  Supplements and multi-vitamins from Endo-met Labs are specially developed so that they may be customized to your individual biochemistry.


All supplements ship direct from Endo-met Labs. A 20% discount is applied to each order for those on a development program.

Click here  for a short video by Dr Wilson   about how to determine your nutritional needs. 

Details about Hair Analysis Testing

Click here  to see some of the supplements we use. To check the ingredients, click each supplement in the product catalog.

Disclaimer.  Development and nutritional balancing are methods to reduce stress on the body and help people reach their full human potential.  All information on this website is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition, mental or physical, real or imaginary. 

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